
 Time Plating offers rack & barrel, mirror- bright silver plate to any thickness as well as restoration of sterling silver.

Deposit Qualities
  • 99.9% pure silver
  • Mirror bright to any practical thickness
  • Soft, white sterling color
  • Extremely ductile deposit
  • Excellent electrical conductor
  • Unparalleled surface lubricity
Our silver electroplate's unique brightener system gives it  deposit characteristics that make it an ideal choice for many applications.
  • Its sterling-like color, brightness and luster make it perfect for jewelry, gift items and recognition products.
  • We routinely use our silver plate to refurbish sterling items. In most cases we can plate directly over the sterling thereby eliminating the need for nickel pre-plate and maintaining the proper assay.
  • Our barrel silver process is the most cost effective way to plate small items such as ear clutches, studs and small endless hoops.  Not only do you save racking labor costs but we also apply our Evacoat anti-tarnish coating to all barrel silver jobs free of charge. 
  • The unique brightener system we use makes our silver plate safe for use on hollowware and flatware.
  • The deposit's electrical properties and lubricity make it a perfect choice for sliding contacts and other types of electrical connectors.
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Time Plating, Inc.

Fast, high quality contract electroplating.

We offer carding and packaging services for our plating customers. Find out more about this valuable time-saving service.

Jewelry Restoration
Quality restoration of your cherished jewelry items and repair of product for restocking.

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 TIME, can care for all your needs. Call Michael at 401-943-3020, he will be glad to meet with you and provide the service you require, and the service you expect.

Michael S Duffy

Contact Us

Time Plating, Inc.
30 Libera Street Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 USA
Telephone: 401-943-3020 
FAX: 401-943-8752 

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